"... so vital, so vibrant, so full of life, you just want to jump up and down for joy". -- The Edmonton Journal"... a skilled blend of social, natural and personal history". -- Equinox"... a remarkable achievement, at once a taleteller's journey, a family history, a passionate portrait of the chinook, and a poet's vision of the west". -- The Gazette (Montreal)Leaning on the Wind is a grand blast of writing, a poetic search for the spirit of the land in the foothills of Alberta. Wryly humorous, observant and imaginative, Sid Marty offers us a personal and richly entertaining portrait of the wild and not-so-wild west -- and makes a plea for the preservation of a powerful place and spirit.Marty, Sid is the author of 'Leaning on the Wind Under the Spell of the Great Chinook' with ISBN 9780006385905 and ISBN 0006385907.
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