Leading Business Teams: How Teams Can Use Technology and Group Process Tools to Enhance Performance

Leading Business Teams: How Teams Can Use Technology and Group Process Tools to Enhance Performance
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  • ISBN-13: 9780201528299
  • ISBN: 0201528290
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


Johansen, Robert, Sibbet, David, Benson, Suzyn


I. UNDERSTANDING TEAM NEEDS. 1. The Need for Groupware. 2. Mapping the Groupware Territory: The 4-Square Map of Groupware Options and the Team Performance Model. 3. Groupware Turns Out to Be More than Electronics: The Value of Common Languages and Conceptual Models. II. ELECTRONIC TOOLS FOR TEAMS. 4. Groupware Building Blocks: Electronic Infrastructure. 5. Electronic Mail: A Surprisingly Powerful Groupware Platform. 6. Voice Mail: Four Phases of User Behavior. 7. Team-Room Design: Checklist for a Decision-Support Room. 8. Hooked on Electronic Copyboards: Quick, Inexpensive, and Easy-to-Use Groupware. 9. TQ Groupware: Watch for Total Quality Software. 10. ISDN and Groupware: A Future Groupware Platform. 11. Groupware Applications of Broadband ISDN: Scenarios of a Distant Groupware Nirvana. 12. Justifying Groupware: Measuring Productivity. 13. Groupware Pitfalls : From Zealotry to Groupthink. III. TURNING GROUPS INTO TEAMS. 14. Putting Technology Before the Horse: Technology Matters, but Team Dynamics Matter More. 15. Anticipating Group Dynamics: Catching the Turns. 16. What Is a Facilitator, Anyway? Suggestions for Successful Meetings. 17. Sustainable Benefits Come from Training and Support: The Human Side of the Groupware Equation. 18. Of Pilots, Power Plants, and Pinstripes: Groupware Lessons from High-Performance Teams. 19. How to Tell When a Team's in Trouble: Danger Signals to Watch For. 20. Hoshin: Thinking Further, Japanese Style. 21. Seeding Serendipitous Groups: SerendipityAn Aptitude for Making Fortunate Disco varies Accidentally. 22. Team Mania Hits Corporate Executives. IV. GROUPWARE IN PRACTICE. 23. Magnus Corporation: A Composite Case Study. V. FUTURE GROUPWARE APPLICATIONS. 24. Cross-Cultural Groupware. 25. Groupware in Grade Schools. VI. EPILOGUE. 26. Groupware Comes of Age.Johansen, Robert is the author of 'Leading Business Teams: How Teams Can Use Technology and Group Process Tools to Enhance Performance' with ISBN 9780201528299 and ISBN 0201528290.

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