Leadership in English Language Education

Leadership in English Language Education
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  • ISBN-13: 9780805863116
  • ISBN: 0805863117
  • Publisher: Routledge


Christison, Mary A., Murray, Denise E.


Leadership in English Language Education: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Skills for Changing Times presents both theoretical approaches to leadership and practical skills leaders in English language education need to be effective. Discussing practical skills in detail, and providing readers with the opportunity to acquire new skills and apply them in their own contexts, the text is organized around three themes: The roles and characteristics of leaders Skills for leading ELT leadership in practice Leadership theories and approaches from business and industry are applied to and conclusions are drawn for English language teaching in a variety of organizational contexts, including intensive English programs in English-speaking countries, TESOL departments in universities, ESL programs in community colleges, EFL departments in non-English speaking countries, adult education programs, and commercial ELT centers and schools around the world. This is an essential resource for all administrators, teachers, academics, and teacher candidates in English language education.Christison, Mary A. is the author of 'Leadership in English Language Education' with ISBN 9780805863116 and ISBN 0805863117.

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