Knowledge Intensive Design Technology Ifip Tc5/Wg5.2 Fifth Workshop on Knowledge Intensive Cad, July 23-25, 2002, St. Julians, Malta

Knowledge Intensive Design Technology Ifip Tc5/Wg5.2 Fifth Workshop on Knowledge Intensive Cad, July 23-25, 2002, St. Julians, Malta
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  • ISBN-13: 9781402077326
  • ISBN: 1402077327
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Publisher: Springer


Borg, Jonathan C., Farrugia, Philip J., Camilleri, Kenneth P.


There is no doubt that Design Technology plays a key role in today's advanced product development environment. To reduce the time to market, achieve zero defect quality the first time, and use available production and logistics resources effectively, product and design process knowledge covering the whole product life cycle must be efficiently and effectively used during product design. With greater emphasis over the last decade on better functionally, cheaper and greener man-made objects, understanding how to systematically capture, structure and proactively reuse product life cycle knowledge is becoming more and more a necessity if we are to effectively and efficiently support such an industrial requirement.Knowledge Intensive Design Technology is a collection of papers presented at the Fifth Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD, which was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 5.2 and hosted by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Malta in July 2002. The book chapters progressively take the reader through the following sequential sections; -Part One - KIC Development Approaches, -Part Two - Knowledge Systematization, -Part Three - Prototype KIC Systems.Knowledge Intensive Design Technology makes essential reading for practicing engineers/scientists involved in R&D as well as for relevant Masters and Ph.D. students. The book is also pertinent to those in industry concerned with capturing and structuring company-specific knowledge for proactive reuse to increase product development efficiency, and also to those involved in the development of CAD systems.Borg, Jonathan C. is the author of 'Knowledge Intensive Design Technology Ifip Tc5/Wg5.2 Fifth Workshop on Knowledge Intensive Cad, July 23-25, 2002, St. Julians, Malta', published 2004 under ISBN 9781402077326 and ISBN 1402077327.

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