Following Shirley Karr's successful debut comes an enchanting story where Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs meets Pirates of the Caribbean - except the dwarfs are smugglers, and Snow White is their ring leader. When Sylvia Montgomery's unlamented husband went down with his ship, including all hands aboard, his legacy was a bankrupt estate and a village sunk in poverty. To save the villagers, Sylvia must continue his smuggling venture, battling a rival gang and a despicable captain who wants more than her coins. After his older brother returns from war to claim the earldom, Tony Sinclair is adrift in the world, and he renounces his respectable life to become a rakehell. How perfect that this comely young widow with her would-be buccaneers needs a front for their dangerous scheme. Can a reluctant lady smuggler and aspiring scapegrace see past each other's deceptions to unearth the true treasure of love?Karr, Shirley is the author of 'Kiss from a Rogue ', published 2006 under ISBN 9780060834111 and ISBN 0060834110.
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