New from the #1 NCLEX-RN exam prep guide provider! Nursing school enrollment grows each year due to incentives to enter the field; and a greater number of men and students from diverse backgrounds are attending nursing schools. Today, more and more people are turning to Kaplan to prepare them for the rigorous Nursing School Entrance Exam. This guide is suitable for all entrance exams- including the Registered Nursing Entrance Exam (RNEE), the National league of Nursing Exam (NLN), the Nursing Entrance Tests (NET), and the Subject Test Assessment Resource Service: Nursing Pre-Admissions Entrance Test (STARS). Prospective nurses will find everything they need in this guide to pass the exam including: Two practice tests with detailed answer explanations A diagnostic exam Lessons Review and practice for math, reading comprehension, and science Admissions information and resourcesKaplan Publishing Staff is the author of 'Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exam', published 2011 under ISBN 9781419550348 and ISBN 1419550349.
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