Jupitervale revolves around the lives of four families through the eyes of four young women. Abitha Smith is a high school student who is raising her two younger sisters because her parents abandoned them when they were young. While working, she tries to maintain a low profile until her 18th birthday...when she can file to become her sister' legal guardian. Kat Brazilson is a young unwed mother who has no desire to reencounter the father of her child. In an attempt to keep him out of her daughter's life and begin hers again, she moves from Australia to the United States to live with her mother. Graciela Sinclair is a young girl dealing with the broken heart her best friend and first cruch left her with when he moved. But what would she do if he ever came back? And Marie Kyle is dealing with her mother's death, her ignorant boyfriend, and her father who is everything to her but is never home. Her mind is nowhere near focused until an unexpected visitor knocks her head on straight. This refreshingly realistic novel is sure to relate to some and enlighten others unfamiliar with different aspects of life.Barnaba, Stashia is the author of 'Jupitervale' with ISBN 9781418429744 and ISBN 1418429740.
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