Take the most important export from Cuba, its unique cigars, have Cuba's greatest living writer describe the cigar's unique position in both Cuba and the world, user photographs by Cuba's most important photographer, get the approval of the official Cuban tobacco group, Cubatabaco, and you have the makings of the best book possible. The author and photographer take the reader through the history of tobacco, starting with Christopher Columbus, and then through the hundreds of steps in the growing and manufacture of fine Havana cigars, finally disclosing the secrets by which cigars are graded. Simply put, this is the most authoritative book on the Havana cigar. it is also a very beautiful book and one that will be of interest to every enlightened cigar smoker.Nunez Jimenez, Antonio is the author of 'Journey of the Havana Cigar' with ISBN 9780793805921 and ISBN 0793805929.
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