Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills (9th Edition)

Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills (9th Edition)
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  • ISBN-13: 9780205453733
  • ISBN: 0205453732
  • Edition: 9
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Allyn & Bacon


David R. Johnson, Frank P. Johnson


This best-selling text presents a broad, integrative overview of group dynamics in a well researched, readable, and experiential format. This text introduces readers to the theory and research findings needed to understand how to make groups effective, and it helps build the skills required to apply that knowledge in practical situations. More than a textbook,Joining Togetherillustrates how this knowledge and mastery of skills creates choices, opportunities, and successes for each individual. No competing text offers the scope of coverage and the range of experiential exercises likeJoining Together.New to this Edition: The entire text has been extensively edited and designed to ensure a concise and readable presentation. References and citations have been updated throughout the text to guarantee the most current and useful research information available. Chapter 3, "Group Goals," has been revised to update the discussions of cooperation & competition and trust. Chapter 4, "Leadership," incorporates the latest theories and research on effective small group research and illustrates the application of the theory to practical situations in a variety of settings. Chapter 9, "Managing Conflict of Interests," now includes the latest and most exciting theory and research on the constructive resolution of conflict, with special attention to the topics of negotiation and mediation. Chapter 8, "Controversy and Creativity," has been thoroughly revised to update the discussion of creativity and its relationship to effective group problem-solving. New chapter objectives, quizzes and PowerPoints are available to adopters online by contacting your local representative. Package this text with MyLabSchool--a powerful set of online tools that bring the classroom to life!Visit www.mylabschool.com for more information!David R. Johnson is the author of 'Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills (9th Edition)', published 2005 under ISBN 9780205453733 and ISBN 0205453732.

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