John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose

John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose
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  • ISBN-13: 9780023582905
  • ISBN: 0023582901
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall


John Milton


POEMS. A Paraphrase on Psalm CXIV. Psalm CXXXVI. Verses found with the Commonplace Book. Apologus de Rustico et Hero (Fable of Peasant and Landlord). Elegia Prima (Elegy I). The Fifth Ode of Horace. In Obitum Procancellarii Medici (On the Death of the Vice-Chancellor, a Physician). Elegia Secunda (Elegy II). In Proditionem Bombardicam (On the Gunpowder Plot). In Eandem (On the Same). In Inventorem Bombardae (On the Inventor of Gunpowder). In Quintum Novembris (On the Fifth of November). Elegia Tertia (Elegy IV). In Obitum Praesulis Eliensis (On the Death of the Bishop of Ely). Elegia Quarta (Elegy IV). At a Vacation Exercise in the College. Naturam Non Pati Senium (That Nature is Not Subject to Old Age). On the Death of a Fair Infant Dying of a Cough. Elegia Quinta (Elegy V). Song: On May Morning. On the Morning of Christ''s Nativity. Elegia Sexta (Elegy VI). Sonnet I: O Nightingale! Sonnet II: Donna leggiadra! (Beautiful Lady). Sonnet III: Qual in colle aspro (As on a Rugged Mountain). Canzone. Sonnet IV: Diodati, e te''l diro (Diodati, and I Will Say It to You). Sonnet V: Per certo i bei vostr'' occhi (In Truth, Your Fair Eyes). Sonnet VI: Giovane piano, e semplicetto amante (Young, Gentle, and Candid Lover). De Idea Platonica quemadmodum Aristoteles Intellexit (On the Platonic Idea as Understood by Aristotle). Elegia Septima (Elegy VII). The Passion. On Shakespeare. On the University Carrier. Another on the Same. An Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester. L''Allegro. Il Penseroso. Sonnet VII: How Soon Hath Time... Arcades. On Time. Upon the Circumcision. At a Solemn Music. Ad Patrem (To His Father). A Mask (Comus). Psalm CXIV. Philosophus ad Regem Quendam (A Philosopher to a Certain King). Lycidas. As Salsillum, Poetam Romanum, Aegrotantem (To Salzilli, a Roman Poet, When He Was Ill). Mansus (Manso). Ad Leonoram Romae Canentem (To Leonora Singing in Rome). Ad Eandem (To the Same). Epitaphium Damonis (Damon''s Epitaph). Translations fro Of Reformation Touching Church Discipline in England. Translations from An Apology for Smectymnuus. Sonnet VIII: When the Assault Was Intended to the City. Sonnet IX: Lady That in the Prime... Translation from Tetrachordon. Sonnet X: To the Lady Margaret Ley. In Effigiei Eius Sculptorem (On the Engraver of His Likeness). Verses from The History of Britain. Sonnet XI: On the Detraction Which Followed upon My Writing Certain Treatises. Sonnet XII: On the Same. Sonnet XIII: To My Friend, Mr. Henry Lawes, on His Airs On the New Forcers of Conscience under the Long Parliament. Sonnet XIV: On the Religious Memory of Mrs. Catherine Thomason, My Christian Friend, Deceased, 16 December, 1646. Ad Ioannem Rousium (To John Rouse), Oxoniensis Academiae Bibliothecarium (Librarian of Oxford University). Psalm LXXX. Psalm LXXXI. Psalm LXXXII. Psalm LXXXIII. Psalm LXXXIV. Psalm LXXXV. Psalm. LXXXVI. Psalm LXXXVII. Psalm LXXXVIII. Sonnet XV: On the Lord General Fairfax at the Siege of Colchester. Latin Verses from Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio: In Salmasii Hundredam (Against the Hundred of Salmasius). Sonnet XVI: To the Lord General Cromwell. Sonnet XVII: To Sir Henry Vane the Younger. Psalm I. Psalm II. Psalm III. Psalm IV. Psalm V. Psalm VI. Psalm VII. Psalm VIII. Sonnet XVIII: On the Late Massacre in Piemont. Sonnet XIX: When I Consider... Sonnet XX: Lawrence of Virtuous Father... Sonnet XXI: Cyriack, Whose Grandsire... Sonnet XXII: To Mr. Cyriack Skinner upon His Blindness. Sonnet XXIII: Methought I Saw... = PARADISE LOST. Introduction. Book I. Book II. Book III. Book IV. Book V. Book VI. Book VII. Book VIII. Book IX. Book X. Book XI. Book XII. PARADISE REGAINED. Introduction. The First Book. The Second Book. The Third Book. The Fourth Book. SAMSON AGONISTES. Introduction. Samson Agonistes. PROSE. Some Early Oratorical Performances (Prolusions). Of Education. The Reason of Church Government Urged Against Prelaty. An Apology for Smectymnuus (Selections). The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (Selections). Areopagitica. The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Eikonoklastes (Selections). The Second Defense of the People of England (Selections). A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes. Considerations Touching the Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings. Out of the Church. The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth. The Christian Doctrine (Selections). APPENDIX. Some Early Lives of Milton. Collections for the Life of Milton, by John Aubrey. The Life of Milton, by Edward Phillips. An Anonymous Life of Milton. Index of Names.John Milton is the author of 'John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose' with ISBN 9780023582905 and ISBN 0023582901.

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