Job, Then and Now

Job, Then and Now
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  • ISBN-13: 9781589301078
  • ISBN: 1589301072
  • Publisher: Selah Publishing Group, LLC


Penrod, Everett


Job comes to us from the book bearing his name in the Bible, but he doesn'tappear until an older man with a large family, seven sons and threedaughters, and immense wealth and power.What was his life like prior to his Bible introduction? How did he acquiresuch wealth? What was his wife's name or the children? He came from the landof Uz, a small area near the isolated village of Ur, Abraham's home. Werethey from the same small tribe or family?This Biblical novel explains what might have been his story up till the timeof the Biblical account. That was all before the patriarchal age.Today, 21st Century, another Job named Jay is introduced to parallel the OldTestament Job: rise to power, wealth and family only to lose it all, alongwith his health and to be blamed and punished for the loss.Then, as the old Job, he is vindicated by his stubborn faith in his God whoturned the tables and restored all, with interest.Penrod, Everett is the author of 'Job, Then and Now' with ISBN 9781589301078 and ISBN 1589301072.

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