Aa accustom (e-kes-tem), n. and v. to have verbally abused more than one person with profanity. "Them kids kept swearin' around Mamaw, so accustom out." adequate (a-de-kwit), n. and v. to have acted with the intention of terminating one's condition of employment. "Adequate if they hadn't given me a raise." Afghanistan (af-gan-is-stan), n. and v. to declare that a certain living organism of Afghani origin has the name Stanley. "The Dalmatian's called Jerry, but the Afghanistan." Bb bandit (band-et), v. and n. censured or forbidden, by decree. "We can't dance no more, 'cause after the preacher saw Footloose, he bandit." bargain (bar-gen), n. and adv. pertaining to a return to a tavern. "I'm still thirsty, so whaddya say we go hit that bargain." bastards (bas-terds), n. the fecal excretions of any animal of the Centrarchidae, Serranidae, or Percichthyidae families. "I'll bet you'll catch a bunch where all them black specks is floatin', 'cause them black specks is bastards." Cc Caesar (sez-er), v. and n. to visually perceive a female. "He has a seizure every time he Caesar." Canada (kan-e-de), n. and prep. a metal container with specific contents. "Do me a big favor, bud, and hand me a Canada bug spray." cancel (kant-sel), v. the inability to exchange property for money. "If you cancel that hunk of crap, I'll take it off your hands." Dd Dakota (de-ko-te), n. and v. a prediction concerning an outer garment worn on the torso. "It's ten below, man. Dakota keep you warm." data (dat-e), v. and adj. to undertake an event of social interaction, usually with the purpose of romance. "I'd never data rich girl." dementia (dim-ent-she), n. and v. interrogative concerning one's reaction to, or connection with, more than one person. "You lookin' at dementia?" Ee easygoing (e-ze-go-ing), v. and n. interrogative regarding the future movements or trajectory of a male. "Easygoing to relax or not?" Egypt (e-jipt), n. and v. to have been cheated or swindled by a male. "Aw, man, Egypt me!" embitter (im-bi-ter), n. and adj. when a male feels resentful, angry, vengeful, and soured. "His divorce just left embitter." Ff fairy (fer-e), adj. and n. a description for a male person of light complexion and pigmentation. "Jim's so fairy gets sunburned as soon as he goes outside." feed (fed), conj. and n. the conditional desire for a male to act. "I'd kick his butt, feed just step outside." filigreed (fil-e-gred), n. and v. consent and acceptance, by a person named Phillip. "I said we should kick him out of the club, and filigreed." Gg gallon (gal-en), n. and prep. a reference to the location of a female person. "The one with tFoxworthy, Jeff is the author of 'Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Dictionary 2 ', published 2006 under ISBN 9781400065684 and ISBN 1400065682.
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