Javascript Phrasebook Essential Code and Commands

Javascript Phrasebook Essential Code and Commands
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  • ISBN-13: 9780672328800
  • ISBN: 0672328801
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Sams


Wenz, Christian


= 0) {slash = '\\';} else {slash = '/';}openLoc = figLoc.substring(0, figLoc.lastIndexOf(slash) + 1);while (pPage.substring(0,3) == '../') {openLoc = openLoc.substring(0, openLoc.lastIndexOf(slash, openLoc.length - 2)+ 1);pPage = pPage.substring(3, pPage.length + 1);}popUpWin =window.open('','popWin','resizable=1,scrollbars=1,location=0,toolbar=0,width=525,height=394');figDoc = popUpWin.document;zhtm= ' ' + pPage + ' ';zhtm += ' ';zhtm += ' ';zhtm += ' ';zhtm += '' + pPage.substring(pPage.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, pPage.length) + '';zhtm += ' ';figDoc.write(zhtm);figDoc.close();}// modified 3.1.99 RWE v4.1 --> Introduction Introduction Back in 1999, I wrote a book on JavaScript. At the beginning, it sold really great, and then sales started to decrease a little bit. It still sold well enough to reach seven editions by this fall, but there was a subtle decline in copies nevertheless. However, all of this changed drastically at the end of last year--sales went up considerably, as did sales of other titles in the same segment. But how come? One of the reasons is AJAX. The technology itself is not new, but the term is. In February 2005, Jesse James Garrett coined the acronym, and since then, the whole web world seems to have gone crazy. And although AJAX can be explained in a couple of minutes actually, it requires a good knowledge of various aspects of JavaScript. This explains the growing demand for advanced JavaScript content, and also led to the writing of theJavaScript Phrasebook. When we (Damon Jordan, Mark Taber, and I) created the book series in 2005, we wanted to create a kind of pimped-up version of language phrasebooks: Common sentences and expressions are translated into a foreign language--into JavaScript, of course. However, unlike in a regular phrasebook, you will also get explanations alongside the code. Without it, the potential for embarrassing situations is quite high, in any language. This book is no introduction to JavaScript. Elementary JavaScript features are covered, but we tried to put a great emphasis on intermediary and advanced material as well. The idea behind this phrasebook is that especially if your JavaScript knowledge is rusty, you will find common problems and solutions in this book. So use this book as a reference guide to quickly overcome issues you are facing during development. And explore the book to find some JavaScript features you may not have thought about before. This book is no cookbook with long and inflexible solutions to short problems. The idea was to keep the code snippets as concise as possible so that the approach can be demonstrated; this enables you to adapt the presented technique to your own applications and your specific scenario. In order to makeWenz, Christian is the author of 'Javascript Phrasebook Essential Code and Commands', published 2006 under ISBN 9780672328800 and ISBN 0672328801.

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