Chapter One IT'S CALLED A BREAKUP BECAUSE IT'S BROKEN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAHHHHHHH! F*#k, it hurts. It's rocking the very core of your being. You never saw it coming. You knew this was going to happen. You were going to do it First. You only broke it off with him before he broke it off with you. You guys were supposed to be together forever. You never liked him that much anyway. He was such a great kisser. The sex wasn't that great. You really liked his family. He hated your friends. You hated his shoes. You miss him soooooo much. There's no doubt about itbreakups suck. And now here you are holding this stupid "Breakup Book" because, quite honestly, you'd do anything not to feel like this and maybe this book will shed some light on what you're going through. Maybe you'll get some sleep tonight. Or stop sleeping all the time. In these First few hours or days or weeks of your breakup, there's one all-important truth that you need to recognize: Some things can't and shouldn't be Fixed, especially that loser who dumped you or forced you to dump him. It's over for a reason, and even if you're in denial about it, deep down inside you probably know what that reason is. Even if you feel bafed by his decision to end it, it boils down to the same thing every time: Your relationship, despite its promise, has ceased to be right for one or both of you. It is, in effect, broken. That doesn't make the breakup any easier to handle or change the overwhelming nature of the sadness that you feel. But that sadness, in turn, doesn't make it less broken. If you've reached this point, where one or both of you feel that walking away is the best course of action, the cracks are there. And starting today, you're not the kind of woman who settles for broken or hangs on to damaged goods, be it a radio, a pair of shoes, or a relationship. Your life is not a yard sale. It's time to get rid of all the broken stuff that you've been lugging around for days, months, and maybe even years, and make the bold decision to start looking for stuff that works. The bright, clean, simple, easy, runs-so-smoothly-I-don't-even-have-to-think-about-it kind of works. Being the First one to recognize that a relationship isn't a match doesn't win you any great prizejust the guilt of having to hurt someone's feelings. So even though you are clearly wounded, getting out of this broken relationship is the best thing possible, even if you didn't know it was broken until now. "But some thingscanbe Fixed,"you say. True, but can your relationship be Fixed? Anything is possible, but we'd say probably not. Generally, if one person thinks that the breakup is the right move, they're probably right even if it feels so wrong. Because unless there are two people putting on the coveralls and getting down in the trenches with some duct tape and superglue and a Fierce determination, it isn't going to happen. Need more convincing? How about this: The person you loved took a good long look at the awesomeness that is you, evaluated your relationship together, and said, "No, thanks. I'll try my luck elsewhere." Or you said it to him. Either way, that alone should make you realize that it wasn't a match made in heaven and they're not worth donning coveralls for. Anyone who assesses you or your relationship as disposable is not worthy of your time or tears. Right now, your mind is probably working overtime to come up with all the rBehrendt, Greg is the author of 'It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken: The Smart Girl's Breakup Buddy' with ISBN 9780767921855 and ISBN 0767921852.
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