"... a very fair and intelligent description of the vicissitudes of the two parties and students seeking a readable and jargon-free overview of the subject-matter should be directed to this text." -- History "De Grand's study is exceptional in its comprehensive historical perspective... a revealing and evocative synthesis." -- Marion S. Miller "De Grand is a useful guide to the complex history of the Italian left." -- Thomas R. Brooks, New York City Tribune "An excellent overview of the vital Italian left-wing... " -- Book Reader "This is a well-written, readable, rather detailed though not ponderous, discussion of the politics of the parties of the Italian Left in this century up to the present time." -- Perspective "... will add immeasurably to our understanding of and appreciation for a country tormented at various times in the past century." -- Mediterranean Quarterly "... well-written and extensively researched... De Grand illustrates a clear and obvious path of development on the Italian left... " -- L'Italo-Americano "It is... a pleasure to note the appearance of Alexander De Grand's book... By providing an almost side-by-side summary of the thought and action of both parties... De Grand renders a unique contribution." -- American Historical Review "... a good starting point for students of Italian history and politics, as well as anyone with an interest in the modern European Left.... It offers both a solid introduction to, and a persuasive interpretation of, its subject." -- Journal of Modern History De Grand chronicles the history of the Italian Socialist and Communist parties -- natural allies yet also enemies, in the struggle to reform society.De Grand, Alexander J. is the author of 'Italian Left in the Twentieth Century A History of the Socialist and Communist Parties' with ISBN 9780253331076 and ISBN 0253331072.
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