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Presenting in-depth, systematic study of patriarchy issue in novels of contemporary South American writers, the author considers the works of Ariel Dorfman (Chile), Isaac Goldemburg (Peru), Teresa Porzecanski (Uruguay), Moacyr Scilar (Brazil), Gerardo Mario Goloboff, Alicia Steimberg & Mario Szichman (Argentina). These writers challenge the authority in the Bible, history of Latin America, traditions of their immigrant forbearers, myths of popular culture, as well as the authoritarian social structure of their respective countries. ISAAC UNBOUND analyzes the stories of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob; & Moses, David, Noah & Jonah as they are reworked in fascinating but complex fiction. This work will benefit scholars & students in the fields of Latin American, Jewish & Women's Studies & will interest readers of current Latin American fiction. "Dr. Barr has chosen seven excellent writers to exemplify Judaic fiction in Latin America today."--Robert DiAntonio, author, Latin American Judaic issues. "Lois Baer Barr's analysis of texts by seven of South America's finest Jewish authors offers new insight into the interpretation of Latin American Jewish experience...Barr successfully melds the elements of Jewish tradition & Latin American literary models...affording important critical attention to lesser-known writers & texts deserving wider readership."--Darrel B. Lockhart, author, Latin American Jewish women's issues. Bibliography. Index. Perfect bound $25; mylar hardback $35. ISBN 0-87918-082-X. Order from ASU/Center for Latin American Studies, P.O. Box 872401, Tempe, AZ 85287-2401; 602-965-5127.Lois Baer Barr is the author of 'Isaac Unbound: Patriarchal Tradition in the Latin American Jewish Novel' with ISBN 9780879180829 and ISBN 087918082X.
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