Irish Bed & Breakfast Book

Irish Bed & Breakfast Book
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  • ISBN-13: 9781589800885
  • ISBN: 1589800885
  • Edition: 5
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Publisher: Pelican Publishing Company, Incorporated


Sullivan, Fran, Taylor, Ellen Sullivan


One (inn) sounds more friendly and inviting than the next.--Family Travel TimesWe wish we had had this helpful and comprehensive little booklet whenwe last visited Ireland. -- Park Cities NewsWhere do you spend the night after kissing the Blarney Stone, walking theGiantis Causeway, or touring Trinity College? With this handy guide, more thanone hundred of the best places to stay on the Emerald Isle are at your disposal. . . and at your fingertips.In addition to updated, detailed information on bed-and-breakfasts in theIrish Republic and Northern Ireland, this expanded fifth edition also features achapter on self-catering accommodations, for those who prefer the convenience,economy, and freedom of cooking for themselves while on vacation.Whether you decide to stay at Dublinis Ashbrook House, with its grasstennis courts, golf courses, and horseback riding, or Edenvale House, a home inNewtownards, County Down, with its dazzling decor and unforgettable breakfasts,you will benefit from the general tips on traveling in Ireland, including noteson such diverse matters as money, car rentals, and the weather. All of theinformation presented in these pages is designed to make your visit to thismagical island as problem free and pleasurable as possible.For more information on Pelicanis bed and breakfast guidebook series,please visit us on the Web at www.bedandbreakfastguide.com.About the AuthorsAs a former bed-and-breakfast owner, Fran Sullivan uses her own insideknowledge to make this book the best available. Her annual trips to the EmeraldIsle, combined with a love of travel and her Irish heritage, have enabled her toproduce an invaluable guide.Sullivan, Fran is the author of 'Irish Bed & Breakfast Book', published 2003 under ISBN 9781589800885 and ISBN 1589800885.

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