The Translation Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Behavior. Microscopic Behaviors and Quantum States. SMALL SYSTEMS. Statistics for Small Systems. Statistics for Systems of Many Elements. INTERNAL ENERGY. Internal Energy and Equipartition. Internal Energy and the First Law. ENTROPY. The States of a System. Entropy and the Second Law. INTERACTIONS. The Thermal Interaction. The Mechanical Interaction. The Diffusive Interaction. CONSTRAINTS. Models. Natural Constraints. Imposed Constraints. Engines and Refrigerators. CLASSICAL STATISTICS. Probabilities and Microscopic Behaviors. Equipartition. Maxwell Distribution for Gases. Transport Processes In Gases. Magnetic Properties of Materials. The Partition Function. Chemical Equilibrium. Equilibrium Between Phases. QUANTUM STATISTICS. The Occupants of Quantum States. Survey of Applications. Blackbody Radiation. The Thermal Properties of Solids. Semiconductors and Insulators. Low Temperatures. Index.Stowe, Keith S. is the author of 'Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics', published 1983 under ISBN 9780471870586 and ISBN 0471870587.
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