Introduction to Sightsinging and Ear Training

Introduction to Sightsinging and Ear Training
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  • ISBN-13: 9780697106421
  • ISBN: 069710642X
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill College


Benward, Bruce, Carr, Maureen A., Kolosick, J. Timothy


Unit I SS Rhythm: One-, Two-, and Three-Beat Values ET Rhythm: Rhythmic Dictation Including Half-Beat Values SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: Short Melodic Structures SS Melodies: M2, m2 ET Melodic Dictation: Scalewise (Conjunct Diatonic) Melodies SS Melodies (Major): P5, P4, M3, m3 within the Tonic Triad, and M2, m2 ET Intervals: m2, M2, m3, M3 SS Ensemble Excerpts -- Two-Voices: M2, m2 ET Chord Identification: Major and Minor Triads ET Harmonic Function: I and V Triads Unit II SS Rhythm: Practicing Compound Meter ET Rhythmic Dictation: Duple and Triple Subdivisions of the Beat SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing: P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2 ET Models and Embellishments: Short Melodic Structures SS Melodies: P5, P4, M3, m3 within the Tonic Triad, and M2, m2, P8 ET Scales: Major Scale and Three Forms of the Minor Scale SS Melodies (Major): P5, P4, M3, m3 within the Tonic Triad and M2, m2 ET Scale Degrees: Single Notes SS Ensemble Excerpts -- Two-Voices: P5, P4, M3, m3 within the Tonic Triad, and M2, m2 ET Chord Identification: Major, Minor and Diminished Triads ET Harmonic Function: I, IV, and V Triads Unit III SS Rhythm: Concentration on Half-Beat Values ET Rhythmic Dictation: Rhythmic Figures Including Half-Beat Values SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: Simple Melodic Structures SS Melodies (Major): P5, P4, M3, m3 within the Tonic Triad and M2, m2 ET Melodic Dictations: Dictation Employing m2, M2, m3, M3 SS Melodies (Minor) ET New Intervals: P5 and P4 SS Ensemble Excerpts -- Two Voices: P5, P4, M3, m3 within the Tonic Triad ET Chord Identification: Triad Factors in the Soprano ET Harmonic Function: I, ii, and V Triads Unit IV SS Rhythm: Concentration on Easier Quarter-Beat Values ET Rhythmic Dictation: Half-Beat Values in Syncopation SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: Descending 3rds in Two Voices SS Melodies (Major and Minor): P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2 ET Melodic Dictation: Using m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, P5 SS Melodies (Major and Minor): P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2 ET Interval Review: Intervals Studied to Date -- m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, P5 SS Ensemble Excerpts -- Two Voices: P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2 ET Chord Identification: Major and Minor Triad Positions ET Harmonic Function: Distinguishing among the I, ii, IV, and V Triads Unit V SS Rhythm: Introduction of the Triplet ET Rhythmic Dictation: Introduction of Quarter-Beat Values SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: Descending 6ths in Two Voices SS Melodies (Folk Songs): P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2 ET Melodic Dictation: Scalewise Passages and Arpeggiations of I and V SS Melodies: P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2 ET Scale Degrees: 2-Note Groups SS Ensemble Excerpts: Two-Voices: P5, P4, M3, m3 ET Chord Identification: Triad Positions ET Harmonic Function: I(i), ii(ii0), IV(iv), and V Triads and Inversions Unit VI SS Rhythm: More Difficult Quarter-Beat Values ET Rhythmic Dictation: Quarter-Beat Values SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: 5-6 Patterns in Two Voices SS Melodies for Review and Practice in Singing at Performance Tempo ET Melodic Dictation: Melodies Outlining the I, IV, V (and vii06) Triads SS Melodies for Careful Study and Preparation ET New Intervals: m6 and M6 SS Ensemble Excerpts for Review--Two Voices with one Excerpt in Four Voices ET Triad Factor Identification: Factors in the Soprano and Bass Voice ET Harmonic Function: I, ii, Iv, V, and vi Triads Unit VII SS Rhythm: Review of Previous Rhythms with Emphasis on the Triplet ET Rhythmic Dictation: Beat Units Divided into Triplets SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: 7-3 Patterns in Two Voices SS Melodies for Review and Practice in Singing at Performance Tempo ET Melodic Dictation: Intervals of a 7th SS Melodies for Careful Study and Preparation ET Scale Degrees: 3-Note Groups SS Ensemble Excerpts--Two and Three Voices ET Nonharmonic Tones: Introduction ET Harmonic Function: I(i), ii(ii0), iii(III, III+) , IV(iv), V, and vi(VI) Triads and Inversions Unit VIII SS Rhythm: Further Practice of Quarter-Beat Values ET Rhythm Dictation: Quarter-Beat Values SS Diatonic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: Cadence Formulas in Two-Voices SS Melodies for Review and Practice in Singing at Performance Tempo ET Melodic Dictation: Two-Phrase Melodies SS Melodies for Careful Study and Preparation ET New Intervals: m7 and M7 SS Ensemble Excerpts: Two, Three, and Four Voices ET Harmonic Dicta-tion: I(i), ii, IV(iv), and V Triads in Four-Part Chorale Phrases ET Harmonic Function: Diatonic Triads (Major Mode) Unit IX SS Rhythm: Subdivisions of the Beat ET Rhythmic Dictation: Compound Meters with Quarter-Beat Values SS Diatonic and Chromatic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: Chord Progression with Melodic Embellishments SS Melodies for Practice in Speed Singing ET Melodic Dictation: Melodies with Larger Leaps SS Melodies for Careful Study and Preparation: Chromatic Alterations, Modulating, and Nonmodulating ET New Interval: The Tritone SS Ensemble Excerpts: Two, Three, and Four Voices ET Harmonic Dicta-tion: The I(i), ii(ii0), IV(iv) and V Triads in Four-Part Chorale Phrases ET Harmonic Function: Dominant 7th Chord and Inversions Unit X SS Rhythm: Triplets and Mixed Meters ET Rhythmic Dictation: Triple and Triplet Subdivisions SS Diatonic and Chromatic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Study ET Models and Embellishments: I-V-I Progression with Diatonic Melodic Embellishments SS Melodies for Review and Practice in Singing at Performance Tempo ET Melodic Dictation: Short Melodies from Music Literature SS Melodies for Careful Study and Preparation: Chromatic ET Intervals: All Intervals Played Harmonically Ensemble Excerpts: Two, Three, and Four Voices ET Harmonic Dictation: I(i), ii, IV(iv), V, vi(VI), and vii0 Triads ET Harmonic Function: Nondominant 7th Chords Unit XI SS Rhythm: The Quartolet in Compound Meter and the Triplet in Simple Meter ET Rhythmic Dictation: The Quartolet SS Diatonic and Chromatic Models for Interval Study SS Melodic Fragments for Interval Singing ET Models and Embellishments: 7th-Chord Patterns in Three Voices SS Melodies (Pentatonic) to be Sung at Performance Tempo ET Melodic Dictation: Modulation to Closely Related Keys SS Melodies for Careful Study and Review: Chromatic Alterations, Modulating, and Nonmodulating ET Harmonic Intervals SS Ensemble Excerpts: Two, Three, and Four Voices ET Harmonic Dictation: Dominant 7th Chord in Four-Part Chorale Phrases ET Harmonic Function: Secondary Dominants of V and iiBenward, Bruce is the author of 'Introduction to Sightsinging and Ear Training' with ISBN 9780697106421 and ISBN 069710642X.

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