Preface. 1. A First Look At PSpice. Drawing the Circuit. Specifying the Type of Circuit Analysis. Simulation Results. 2. Simple DC Circuits. Independent DC Sources. Dependent DC Sources. Resistors. 3. DC Sweep Analysis. Sweeping a Single Source. Sweeping Multiple Sources. 4. Additional DC Analysis. Computing the Thevenin Equivalent. Sensitivity Analysis. Simulating Resistor Tolerances. 5. Operational Amplifiers. Modeling Op Amps with Resistors and Dependent Sources. Using Op Amp Library Models. Modifying Op Amp Models. 6. Inductors, Capacitors, And Natural Response. Transient Analysis. Natural Response. 7. The Step Response and Switches. Simple Step Response. Piecewise Linear Sources. Realistic Switches. 8. Varying Component Values. 9. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis. Sinusoidal Sources. Sinusoidal Steady-State Response. 10. Linear and Ideal Transformers. Linear Transformers. Ideal Transformers. 11. Computing AC Power with Probe. 12. Frequency Response. Specifying Frequency Variation and Number. Frequency Response Output. Bode Plots with Probe. Filter Design. 13. Fourier Series. Pulsed Sources. Fourier Analysis. 14. Summary. Bibliography. Quick Reference to PSpice Netlist Statements. Index.Nilsson, James W. is the author of 'Introduction to Pspice for Electric Circuits Using Orcad Release 9.2' with ISBN 9780130094704 and ISBN 0130094706.
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