Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport

Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport
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  • ISBN-13: 9780072557398
  • ISBN: 0072557397
  • Edition: 5
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies, The


Siedentop, Daryl


PART I. UNDERSTANDING THE CONTEXT OF LIFESPAN SPORT, FITNESS, AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1. Lifespan Sport, Fitness, and Physical Education 2. The Emergence of a Profession: 18851930 3. Consolidation and Specialization: 1930Present 4. Changing Philosophies for Sport, Fitness, and Physical Education PART II. SPORT 5. Basic Concepts of Sport 6. Sport Programs and Professions 7. Problems and Issues in Sport PART III. FITNESS 8. Basic Concepts of Fitness 9. Fitness Programs and Professions 10. Problems and Issues in Fitness PART IV. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 11. Basic Concepts of Physical Education 12. Physical Education Programs and Professions 13. Problems and Issues in Physical Education PART V. THE SCHOLARLY STUDY OF SPORT, FITNESS, AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 14. Exercise Physiology 15. Kinesiology and Biomechanics 16. Motor Learning, Control, and Development 17. Sport Sociology 18. Sport Psychology 19. Sport Pedagogy 20. The Sport Humanities PART VI. FUTURE PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS 21. Relationships to Allied Fields 22. Sport, Fitness, and Physical Education Approaching the Twenty-First Century: Themes Defining Our Present and Future Glossary Bibliography Web Site Appendix IndexexSiedentop, Daryl is the author of 'Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport', published 2003 under ISBN 9780072557398 and ISBN 0072557397.

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