Here's just a small sample of what The International Marine Boat Manager will do: -- Coach you through all those half-remembered procedures; -- Tell you exactly what steps to follow in an emergency; -- Provide you with the model/identification number of any part you need to replace, whether you're phoning from a secluded anchorage or your office 100 miles away from the boat; -- Tell you, your crew, or a charterer or guest where to find any piece of gear or equipment, or how to operate the engine, stove, or head, and in short, everything a competent mariner needs to run the boat; -- Provide a complete inventory and maintenance history to an insurer or prospective buyer; -- Let you hit the deck running after you've been away from the boat for weeks or months; -- Save you the hours that could mean the difference between a day on the water and a day on the telephone. It may even save you the seconds that could mean the difference between a crisis overcome and a disaster.Payne, Bob is the author of 'International Marine Boat Manager: Your Vessel's Custom Handbook of Operating and Service Procedures' with ISBN 9780877423010 and ISBN 0877423016.
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