Intermediate Algebra With Applications

Intermediate Algebra With Applications
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  • ISBN-13: 9780395969618
  • ISBN: 0395969611
  • Edition: 5
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company


Vernon C. Barker, Richard N. Aufmann, Joanne S. Lockwood


Contents Note: Each chapter concludes with a Chapter Summary, Chapter Review Exercises, a Chapter Test, and Cumulative Review Exercises. 1. Review of Real Numbers 1.1 Introduction to Real Numbers 1.2 Operations on Rational Numbers 1.3 Variable Expressions 1.4 Verbal Expressions and Variable Expressions Focus on Problem Solving: Polya's Four-Step Process Projects and Group Activities: Water Displacement 2. First-Degree Equations and Inequalities 2.1 Equations in One Variable 2.2 Coin, Stamp, and Integer Problems 2.3 Value Mixture and Motion Problems 2.4 Applications: Problems Involving Percent 2.5 Inequalities in One Variable 2.6 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities Focus on Problem Solving: Understand the Problem Projects and Group Activities: Venn Diagrams; Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities 3. Linear Functions and Inequalities in Two Variables 3.1 The Rectangular Coordinate System 3.2 Introduction to Functions 3.3 Linear Functions 3.4 Slope of a Straight Line 3.5 Finding Equations of Lines 3.6 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 3.7 Inequalities in Two Variables Focus on Problem Solving: Find a Pattern Projects and Group Activities: Evaluating a Function with a Graphing Calculator; Introduction to Graphing Calculators 4. Systems of Equations and Inequalities 4.1 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing and by the Substitution Method 4.2 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by the Addition Method 4.3 Solving Systems of Equations by Using Determinants and by Using Matrices 4.4 Application Problems 4.5 Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities Focus on Problem Solving: Solve an Easier Problem Projects and Group Activities: Using a Graphing Calculator to Solve a System of Equations; Solving a First-Degree Equation with a Graphing Calculator 5. Polynomials and Exponents 5.1 Exponential Expressions 5.2 Introduction to Polynomials 5.3 Multiplication of Polynomials 5.4 Division of Polynomials 5.5 Factoring Polynomials 5.6 Special Factoring 5.7 Solving Equations by Factoring Focus on Problem Solving: Find a Counterexample Projects and Group Activities: Reverse Polish Notation; Pythagorean Triples 6. Rational Expressions 6.1 Introduction to Rational Functions 6.2 Operations of Rational Expressions 6.3 Complex Fractions 6.4 Rational Equations 6.5 Proportions and Variation 6.6 Literal Equations Focus on Problem Solving: Implication Projects and Group Activities: Continued Fractions; Graphing Rational Expressions 7. Rational Exponents and Radical Expressions 7.1 Rational Exponents and Radical Expressions 7.2 Operations on Radical Expressions 7.3 Complex Numbers 7.4 Radical Functions 7.5 Solving Equations Containing Radical Expressions Focus on Problem Solving: Another Look at Polya's Four-Step Process Projects and Group Activities: Graphing Complex Numbers; Solving Radical Equations with a Graphing Calculator 8. Quadratic Equations and Inequalities 8.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring or Taking Square Roots 8.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square and Using the Quadratic Formula 8.3 Equations That Are Reducible to Quadratic Equations 8.4 Applications of Quadratic Equations 8.5 Nonlinear Inequalities 8.6 Properties of Quadratic Functions 8.7 Applications of Quadratic Functions Focus on Problem Solving: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Projects and Group Activities: Completing the Square; Using a Graphing Calculator to Solve a Quadratic Equation; Solving Nonlinear Inequalities Using a Graphing Calculator 9. Functions and Relations 9.1 Graphs of Functions 9.2 Translations of Graphs 9.3 Algebra of Functions 9.4 One-to-One and Inverse Functions Focus on Problem Solving: Proof in Mathematics Projects and Group Activities: Derivative Investments; Properties of Polynomials; The Greatest-Integer Function 10. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 10.1 Exponential Functions 10.2 Introduction to Logarithms 10.3 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions 10.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations 10.5 Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Focus on Problem Solving: Proof by Contradiction Projects and Group Activities: Fractals 11. Sequences and Series 11.1 Introduction to Sequences and Series 11.2 Arithmetic Sequences and Series 11.3 Geometric Sequences and Series 11.4 Binomial Expansions Focus on Problem Solving: Forming Negations Projects and Group Activities: ISBN and UPC Numbers: Finding the Proper Dosage 12. Conic Sections 12.1 The Parabola 12.2 The Circle 12.3 The Ellipse and the Hyperbola 12.4 Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations 12.5 Quadratic Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities Focus on Problem Solving: Use a Variety of Problem-Solving Strategies Projects and Group Activities: Graphing Conic Sections Using a Graphing Utility Final Exam. Appendix: Guidelines for Using Graphing Calculators. Solutions to Problems. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. Glossary. IndexVernon C. Barker is the author of 'Intermediate Algebra With Applications', published 1999 under ISBN 9780395969618 and ISBN 0395969611.

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