Interfacial Enzyme Kinetics

Interfacial Enzyme Kinetics
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  • ISBN-13: 9780471493044
  • ISBN: 047149304X
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Jain, Mahendra Kumar, Berg, Otto G.


A vast number of biochemical reactions are catalyzed by molecules fixed to the surface of membranes (or other biological structures). Although trans-membrane processes have been extensively studied for the last 30 years, the focus on interfacial processes has lagged. The study of the mechanisms at these 'biointerfaces' is becoming increasingly important for the understanding of biological catalysts. This book is the first to deal with the physical and chemical principles of an emerging field of science, for which the authors have established the groundwork. While several specialized reviews have appeared on the various aspects of the subject, this text serves as a definitive primer; it puts this interdisciplinary field on a firm footing, develops key features of interfacial enzyme kinetics that include variables related to turnover processivity, and substrate accessibility and replenishment. Key features: The first book in the field - concise, thorough and authoritative. The fundamentals developed in this book connect basic physical chemistry to biophysical chemistry, surface and colloid chemistry, enzymology, pharmacology, and cell biology. The key interfacial processes of turnover, processivity and replenishment are examined and it is shown how together they determine the catalytic efficiency of interfacial enzymes. Focuses on introducing a usable yet rigorous quantitative basis for analysis of interfacial catalysis in terms of the primary rate and equilibrium constants. Describes the quantitative characterization of function and inhibition of interfacial enzymes under conditions relevant for evaluation of their pharmacological potential. In addressing issues and concerns in a growing field that borders physical, biological and surface sciences, this book will be of interest to a broad spectrum of scientists in such diverse fields as biochemistry, biophysics, enzymology, biotechnology, biomaterial science (phospholipid interfaces), pharmacology, bioorganic chemistry and colloid and interface sciences. As well as providing an informative text for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, many researchers in industry will also benefit from this comprehensive treatise.Jain, Mahendra Kumar is the author of 'Interfacial Enzyme Kinetics' with ISBN 9780471493044 and ISBN 047149304X.

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