Immense Journey: An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature

Immense Journey: An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature

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  • ISBN-13: 9780394430140
  • ISBN: 039443014X
  • Publisher: Random House Publishing Group


Eiseley, Loren C.


In an unusual blend of scientific knowledge and imaginative vision, Loren Eiseley tells the story of man. Anthropologist and naturalist, Dr. Eiseley reveals life's endless mysteries in his own experiences, departing from their immediacy into meditations on the long past, wandering-intimate with nature-along the paths and byways of time, and then returning to the present. Book jacket.Eiseley, Loren C. is the author of 'Immense Journey: An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature' with ISBN 9780394430140 and ISBN 039443014X.

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