The work of two illiterate elephants in the china shop of letters and language, An Illustrated Alphabet for the Illiterate attempts to be no more than what it is -- a bizarre and entertaining little book, fun to look at and fun to read! Rudolf (the artist) studied the letters of the alphabet from the point-of-view of an illiterate, unspoiled child and saw surprising shapes in them. Then Rudolf and his daughter Elizabeth (who had just turned sixteen at the time) each wrote thirteen short vignettes, stories and poems to accompany the twenty-six letters. Their two voices are easy to distinguish: the old voice is silly and nonsensical whereas the teenaged girl sounds brooding, mysterious and melancholy.Kurz, Rudolf is the author of 'Illustrated Alphabet for the Illiterate ', published 2006 under ISBN 9780889842786 and ISBN 0889842787.
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