This dark comic novella follows the life of the psychoanalyst in an urban village engaging a cast of characters with whom he shares his life and his ideas. A vulnerable yet thoughtful person shadowed by what he refers to as life after the Catastrophe, he finds himself celebrating depression, discovering how it is an essential emotion housing insight into the self, society, and world affairs. Amusing, disturbing and thought provoking, the novella reveals in remarkable depth the many faces of depression. The psychoanalyst agonizes over the increasingly fascist dimensions of his profession and provides an excoriating critique of the psychotropic movement. He challenges the world of modern psychology that by stereotyping souls as sufferers of one or another of the newly coined diagnoses, such as Attention Deficit Disorder, ordains a world that reduces humanity. Where thoughtfulness once was, now one discovers a pill, a fashionable new illness, and a twelve-step program that define a liBollas, Christopher is the author of 'I Have Heard The Mermaids Singing ', published 2005 under ISBN 9781853437595 and ISBN 185343759X.
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