Honey Maloo, a young bee who lives with her mother in the knot of an oak tree, is growing up and finally old enough to attend school. Honey, however, has different plans: she would much rather stay home with her mother, whom she loves dearly: so she tries every trick in the book to stay off the school bus. With patience and a guiding hand from her mother and the ministrations of Ms. Petal, her schoolteacher. Honey finally goes to class and finds out as she becomes interested in singing, reading and other activities that school can be fun. She meets new friends and finds out that her mom will be waiting for her when she gets home. Separation anxiety is a common dilemma is young children and can make even the briefest of partings excruciating for parents and children alike. Charming, accessible and informative. I Don't Want to Go to School offers parents and teachers ways to teach children to cope with separation from loved ones, and helps children focus on their strengths to overcome challenging situations.Pando, Nancy J. is the author of 'I Don't Want To Go To School Helping Children Cope with Separation Anxiety' with ISBN 9780882822549 and ISBN 0882822543.
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