Mukoma wa Ngugi casts a critical yet forgiving eye on closely-observed episodes from life in the United States, with knowing glances towards poets as diverse as Le'opold Se'dar Sengor and Matthew Arnold. The social concerns of an African poet in sympathy with political struggles throughout the third world jostle against and defamiliarise the details of American everyday life, which, so displaced, suddenly take on a new significance. While treating the reader to an impressive range of themes - death, war, life, love, nature, relationships, art, politics, social justice, revolution and personal encounter - Mukoma also succeeds in making a deeply profound artistic statement. He decorates his intensely reflective utterance with a lacework of images, metaphors and figures that reveal an artist at the height of his powers.Ngugi, Mukoma Wa is the author of 'Hurling Words at Consciousness ', published 0011 under ISBN 9781592214631 and ISBN 1592214630.
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