Humor for a Friend's Heart Stories, Quips, And Quotes to Lift the Heart

Humor for a Friend's Heart Stories, Quips, And Quotes to Lift the Heart
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  • ISBN-13: 9781416533764
  • ISBN: 1416533761
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster


Myers, Kristen, MacDonald, Shari


Chapter 1: A Friendly Reminder - Rhonda Rhea Friendships are a must for women. If it weren't for friends,women would have to go to the ladies' room alone. And whowould offer a truthful assessment about whether an outfit makesyour hips look big? I have a Mustache Pact with my closest friends. If anyone ofus goes into a coma, the others are honor bound by our pact tocome and wax the mustache of the comatose friend. We womenlove to share those special moments. I shared another special moment with friends recently. Severalof us were hurrying to a surprise baby shower. We were hurryingbecause it's tough to surprise the guest of honor when she gets tothe party before the guests. We had pooled our resources to buy "the stroller to end allstrollers." It was a collapsible stroller that would stroll the baby,carry the baby, swing the baby - maybe even change the baby -I'm not sure. It was Stroller-ama. I told the others to run in while I got Super Stroller. I jerked itinto position and started sprinting. Unfortunately, about middriveway,Stroller-zilla realized I hadn't fully locked it into place(emphasis on the aforementioned collapsible feature). It collapsedneatly into storage mode. I probably don't need to give you a science lesson on"momentum," but let me mention I had a lot of it working forme. The fact the Stroller-natorstopped on a dime didn't meanmuch to my little sprinting body,which was immediately airborne.Maybe you don't know me personallyand think me ungraceful.Granted, you probably wouldn'twant me to transport subatomicparticles on a regular basis, but Idon't want you to forever imagineme as a klutz. So maybe it would bebetter if you could please picture a graceful triple axel jump overthe top of the stroller with sort of a one-point landing. I finishedit off with a lovely flat-on-the-back pose, staring up at the sky foreffect. I'd give it a 6.9. Thankfully, I had my wonderful friends there to rush overand make sure I was okay. Of course, they couldn't actually askme if I was all right since those dear friends were laughing so hardthey were about to damage some internal organs! One of themcouldn't even stay. She made a beeline for the house. You knowwhat can happen to laughing mothers. That's another thing we love to share: laughter. This is a little reminder. If it's been awhile since you've madetime for friends, take the time and share a laugh with a sister. Weneed each other. There are certain things, concepts, even certainwords, only women understand. "Mauve" and "taupe" are a coupleof good examples. Call up your special bud today. While you have her on theline, you might also want to take care of that coma/mustachething.Myers, Kristen is the author of 'Humor for a Friend's Heart Stories, Quips, And Quotes to Lift the Heart' with ISBN 9781416533764 and ISBN 1416533761.

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