Trends in Human Operant Theory (G. Davey). Applied Behavior Analysis: Contemporary and Prospective Agenda (C. Cullen). What Applied Studies of Human Operant Conditioning Tell Us about Humans and About Operant Conditioning (B. Schwartz, H. Lacey). Applied Behavior Analysis: New Directions from the Laboratory (W. F. Epling, W. D. Pierce). The Relevance of Animal-based Principles in the Laboratory Study of Human Operant Conditioning (M. Perone et al.). Clinical Constraints Affecting Human Conditioning (R. Li Wood). The Token Economy: A Decade Later (A. Kazdin). Aging and the Cost of Dividing Attention (A. Baron et al.). Method and Theory in the Study of Human Competition (W. Buskist, D. Morgan). Some Neglected Problems in the Analysis of Human Operant Behavior (J. H. Wearden). Quantitative Analysis of Human Operant Performance (C. M. Bradshaw, E. Szabadi). Author Index. Subject Index.Davey, Graham C. L. is the author of 'Human Operant Conditioning and Behavior Modification', published 1988 under ISBN 9780471916376 and ISBN 0471916374.
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