How to Prepare for the Act

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  • ISBN-13: 9780764175749
  • ISBN: 0764175742
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Publisher: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated


Ehrenhaft, George, Lehrman, Robert L., Obrecht, Fred


[back cover] BARRON'S HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE ACT WITH CD-ROM 13th Edition Choose Barron's Method for Test Success on the ACT Includes an overview of the ACT for a head start Take the diagnostic test to determine your strengths and weaknesses Devise your personal study plan for success Use individual chapters to improve your skills in all test topics Take the book's practice tests and score your results Or take tests on CD-ROM with automatic scoring Review the answers and explanations for all test questions It's Your Path To a Higher ACT Test ScoreEhrenhaft, George is the author of 'How to Prepare for the Act', published 2004 under ISBN 9780764175749 and ISBN 0764175742.

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