How Did I Get so Busy?

How Did I Get so Busy?
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  • ISBN-13: 9781400073191
  • ISBN: 1400073197
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Publisher: Doubleday Religious Publishing Group, The


Burton, Valorie


Introduction: How Busy Are You? I think it is important that the question of managing time be addressed in a realistic manner. The reality is that everyone feels pressed for time and it is not going to change as we become more technologically advanced and everything we do can be done in an instant by allegedly "working smarter, not harder." "I want to know, how do I find more time without cutting my standard of living?" Mona, 32 Do you find yourself rushing from one activity to the next, from the time you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep at night? Has your to-do list grown from just a list in your day planner to scraps of paper and Post-its scattered all over your office and home? Is your social life disappearing because you don't have time for friends and fun? And do you feel that lately life has become the proverbial rat racewhere you are constantly moving forward at an ever-more-frantic pace, yet experiencing very little of the joys and rewards life has to offer? If you are like most people, you're probably running nearly all the time. I've been there, as have many of my clients over the years. No doubt you'd like for your schedule to be different, or have even found yourself thinking, "I really need to make a change." When "busyness" becomes all-consuming, many of us know deep down that something's got to givebut we're too busy to figure out how or what that change should be! I believe that your path has crossed mine and that you've picked up this book for a reason: so that you can finally take control of your schedule, create room to breathe, and make time for the people and activities that matter most. The problem with being too busy is that you lose your sense of self. In the race to get it all done, you give up the experience of being fully engaged in anything. The joys of life, such as a meaningful conversation or a healthy, home-cooked meal, become hassles or impediments to getting other things done. The commitments you love, like your work or favorite hobbies, can become burdensome because they only add to your heavy load. Fortunately, change doesn't have to be difficult. It must, however, be intentional. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine your life filled with what brings you happiness, peace, and successat a pace that feels good and with a level of activity that gives you energy rather than saps it. Your life can be differentjust 28 days from now. It begins with your decision to change. I will help you delve deep . . . so you can notice the fears that ultimately crowd your schedule with things you don't really want or need to do. I will help you get real about what you can actually accomplish in a day. And I will walk with you every step of the way. Busyness was my way of life for years, and I was afraid to make a changeafraid that not being busy would mean my career would suffer, and hence my income would suffer, too; afraid that if I wasn't busy, then something must be wrong; and afraid to say "no" to people when their requests left me feeling overloaded with another "to-do." It wasn't until my busy lifestyle became a burden that I realized how out of balance my life was. Love and friendships take nurturing. Good health, a body you love, and time for rest and relaxation require intentional actions. All of this takes time, yes, but there is enough time in the day to do what you were created to do. They key is identifying what's essential at this stage of your journey. For the next 28 days, I will guide you step-by-step toward understanding how you've become so busy and taking the actions that will empower you to free youBurton, Valorie is the author of 'How Did I Get so Busy?', published 2007 under ISBN 9781400073191 and ISBN 1400073197.

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