Hot Flash Club Chills Out

Hot Flash Club Chills Out
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  • ISBN-13: 9780345485533
  • ISBN: 034548553X
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Random House Publishing Group


Thayer, Nancy


1 Faye released the tiebacks on her bedroom curtains. With a silky whisper, the heavy, luxurious panels fell together, blocking out the night, turning her bedroom into a private chamber. Crossing the room, she folded back the floral quilt, exposing the crisply ironed ivory linen sheets. She plumped the already puffy pillows, leaning them invitingly against the headboard. She paused, listening. Aubrey was still in the bathroom. Always fastidious, she knew he would be especially particular with his grooming tonight. Tonight they would make love for the first time. She didn't want to be caught admiring herself, but her full-length cheval mirror invited her to appreciate her appearance. The curves of her voluptuous body were enhanced by the drape of her silk nightgown. The slenderest of straps supported a bodice of exquisite lace dipping to reveal her full breasts. The loose cut allowed the material to skim the rest of her body without emphasizing her other bulges. She'd kept her long white hair in the low chignon she often woreshe was planning, at some appropriate moment, perhaps when she was on top of Aubrey, to reach up with both arms and remove the barrette, so that her hair would tumble down around her shoulders, just as it did on the heroines in romance novels. Bringing her face closer to the mirror, she inspected a freckle on her nose. In spite of her straw hat, the work she'd done in her garden had let the spring sun darken the small, pea-sized blemish. Because it was on the same level as her eyes, it gave her the unfortunate appearance of having three eyes, so she'd had it lasered off a few years ago, even though it wasn't precancerous. Now she'd have to do it again. Taken with all the other changes on her face and body, it made her look not just older, but peculiar. Water ran in the bathroom. Faye squinted at the mirror. She wore the beautiful gold filigree necklace Aubrey had given her for Christmas this December. Should she remove it? She never wore jewelry to bed. But then, she hadn't gone to bed for this purpose for years. The necklace was very pretty, lying against her chest. It led the eye down to her bosom. She'd leave it on. Walking around the room, she took up a pack of matches and lighted all the candles she'd set out earlier in the day. The candles made eager, almost erotic, little gasps as their wicks took the flame. The sound sent her into a hot flash. Oh Lord, she hoped she didn't have a hot flash while they were making love! She grabbed a perfume bottle and pressed its cool glass against her flaming cheek. Did she have time to get a glass of ice water? Probably. But if she had a drink of water, she'd have to get up to pee right in the middle of this long-awaited romantic interlude. No, she couldn't take the chance. She picked up another bottle and held it to her other cheek. Wow, she really was a little radiator. What a shame she couldn't somehow channel all this extra heat into some kind of battery. She could run her house for the winter. Aubrey was still in the bathroom. She chided herself for impatience. After all, what was the hurry? She had all evening. All night. But her back hurt from standing all day painting, and her arms and shoulders ached from preparing the light dinner of fish, fruit, and salad. She folded back the covers and slid into bed. Ah, it felt so good to lie down! She chuckled to herself, thinking how sexual cravings changed during a lifetime. In her youth, desire often made it impossible for her to sleep. Now she was in her fifties, and she wasn't sure she could stay awake to make love. Well, that was only to be expected, she supposed, now that she'd traded her birth control pills for K-Y Jelly. She opened the drawer oThayer, Nancy is the author of 'Hot Flash Club Chills Out', published 2006 under ISBN 9780345485533 and ISBN 034548553X.

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