Hospital Medicine

Hospital Medicine
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  • ISBN-13: 9780683304824
  • ISBN: 0683304828
  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Harry Hollander, Lee Goldman


SECTION I: GENERAL ISSUES IN HOSPITAL MEDICINE 1. Models of Hospital Care 2. Hospital Interfaces 3. Bayesian Reasoning and Diagnostic Testing 4. Decision Analysis 5. Cost-Effectiveness 6. Assessment and Improvement of Quality and Value 7. Practice Guidelines and Clinical Pathways 8. Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Care 9. Iatrogenesis and the Risks of Hospitalization 10. Nutritional Issues in the Hospitalized Patient 11. Approach to the Hospitalized Older Patient 12. Ethical Issues in the Hospitalized Patient 13. Pain Management in the Hospitalized Patient 14. End of Life Care in the Hospital SECTION II: CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 15. Approach to the ICU Patient 16. Ventilator Management 17. Acute Respiratory Failure 18. Hypotension, Shock, and Multiple Organ Failure 19. Sepsis Syndrome SECTION III: CONSULTATION MEDICINE 20. Medical Consultation 21. Preoperative Evaluation 22. Postoperative Care 23. Medical Complications of Pregnancy SECTION IV: CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 24. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Cardiovascular Diseases 25. Diagnostic Tests in Cardiology 26. Angina and Unstable Angina 27. Acute Myocardial Infarction 28. Heart Failure 29. Heart Transplantation 30. Valvular Heart Disease 31. Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter, and Other Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias 32. Ventricular Arrhythmias and Cardiac Arrest 33. Syncope 34. Bradycardia and Pacemakers 35. Pericardial Disease 36. Urgent and Emergent Hypertension 37. Aortic Dissection, Aneurysm, and Rupture 38. Peripheral Arterial Disease 39. Deep Venous Thrombosis SECTION V: PULMONARY 40. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Pulmonary Medicine 41. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 42. Exacerbations of Asthma and Bronchitis 43. Interstitial Lung Disease 44. Lung Transplantation and Lung Volume Reduction Surgery 45. Pulmonary Embolism 46. Pulmonary Hypertension 47. Pleural Effusion and Pneumothorax 48. Pulmonary Nodules SECTION VI: INFECTIOUS DISEASES 49. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Infectious Diseases 50. Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts 51. Parenteral Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance 52. Community-Acquired Pneumonia 53. Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia 54. Tuberculosis 55. Urinary Tract Infection 56. Cellulitis and Necrotizing Fasciitis 57. Meningitis 58. Endocarditis 59. Catheter-associated Infection and Bacteremia SECTION VII: HIV DISEASE 60. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in HIV Disease 61. Pulmonary Manifestations of HIV Infection 62. Neurologic Manifestations of HIV Disease SECTION VIII: GASTROENTEROLOGY 63. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Gastrointestinal Disease 64. Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding 65. Esophageal Disorders 66. Peptic Ulcer Disease and Stress-Related Mucosal Disease 67. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 68. Acute Hepatitis and Liver Failure 69. Cirrhosis and Its Complications 70. Disorders of the Biliary System 71. Liver Transplantation 72. Acute Pancreatitis 73. Other Abdominal Emergencies: Appendicitis, Diverticulitis, and Ischemic Bowel 74. Ileus and Obstruction of the Gastrointestinal Tract SECTION IX: HEMATOLOGY-ONCOLOGY 75. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Hematology-Oncology 76. Principles of Chemotherapy 77. Principles of Transfusion Medicine 78. Oncologic Emergencies 79. Leukemia 80. Lymphoma 81. Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders 82. Bone Marrow Transplantation 83. Sickle Cell Disease 84. Hemorrhagic and Thrombotic Disorders SECTION X: RENAL 85. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Renal Disease 86. Acute Renal Failure 87. Management of the Hospitalized Patient on Dialysis 88. Renal Transplantation 89. Renal Stone Disease and Obstruction 90. Common Electrolyte Disorders 91. Common Acid-Base Disorders SECTION XI: ENDOCRINOLOGY 92. Symptoms, Signs, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Endocrinology 93. Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications in the Hospital 94. Acute Presentations of Thyroid Disease 95. Adrenal Insufficiency and Crisis SECTION XII: RHEUMATOLOGY 96. Signs, Symptoms, and Laboratory Abnormalities in Rheumatology 97. Vasculitis 98. Acute Presentations of Selected Rheumatic Disorders 99. Acute Arthritis 100. Back Pain SECTION XIII: NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY 101. Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnostic Tests in Neurology 102. Stroke 103. Central Nervous System Hemorrhage and Increased Intracranial Pressure 104. Seizures 105. Depression in the Hospitalized Patient SECTION XIV: TOXICOLOGY AND ALLERGY 106. Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis 107. Drug Overdoses and Dependence 108. Acute Alcohol Intoxication and Alcohol Withdrawal IndexHarry Hollander is the author of 'Hospital Medicine' with ISBN 9780683304824 and ISBN 0683304828.

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