Honey Sandwich

Honey Sandwich
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  • ISBN-13: 9780375828218
  • ISBN: 0375828214
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Publisher: Random House Children's Books


Honey, Elizabeth, Honey, Elizabeth


"Squeezed Fresh Daily" Mothers lurk behind doors and lunge at you like Jaws making careers out of things in your ears saying how much they miss you finding excuses to kiss you. "Bonnie Leigh-Dodds Did Riverdance" "They're having a talent show at school," said Bonnie. "I'm going to do Riverdance." "That will be so embarrassing!" said her sister Gemma. "I'm not going to watch:" "She's seen that video a hundred times," said Mum. Dad taped the music. First Fiona played the flute, then Hazel and Melanie did ballet. One of the big boys mucked up his magic trick. Quite a few played the piano. "And now the only first grader," said Mrs. Bloomfield. "Bonnie will be performing Riverdance for us today." Bonnie started with her back to the audience, and tossed her mane of gorgeous thick Irish hair, except it was little flyaway blond wisps. The Irish music was wild and loud. In Gemma's flower skirt and white crop-top crocheted blouse and her red party shoes, Bonnie danced. Arms straight by her sides, she hopped and jigged. She whirled and whirled. And twirled and twirled. The little skirt swished and flounced. She leaped and bounded. She grinned during the hard bits, and went cross-eyed in the spins. She made the shape of number four with her legs, and hopped and pawed the ground like a pony. When everyone began to clap in time, Bonnie's dance grew wilder. All over the stage she leaped and spun, toes flashing like sharp red pencils. Just when she was giddy and exhausted it was lucky the music ended. Everyone stamped and roared! Puffing like a steam train, but very proud, Bonnie bowed low. Martin scraped on his violin. Two girls played a recorder duet. Sarah Jade did gymnastics, and there were many other acts, but Bonnie Leigh-Dodds did Riverdance. "How did you go?" called Mum when she heard the front door slam. "I won!" "The Mat Sat on the Cat" (in a gangster voice, like Robert De Niro, or Marlon Brando in The Godfather) "Take dat, you dirty mat-sittin' cat! I ain't no fat cat habitat. Why, you bin sittin' since you was a kitten. You know dat's true. An' because o'you, I got de treatment at de laundromat. Well, I ain't takin' no more o'dat. I'm squashin' you flat, cat, and dat's dat!" "Auntie Dot" Auntie Dot hasn't got a lot. In her flat there's a cat a loaf of bread a little blue bed a rickety table a friend called Mabel a baked bean a magazine a golden fish an ancient wish a rug a mug a tin a pin a shell a smell a cup of the sea a dead TV and me.Honey, Elizabeth is the author of 'Honey Sandwich', published 2004 under ISBN 9780375828218 and ISBN 0375828214.

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