"Profound, demanding, but lucid and well organized, Diamond's book is a class act!" -- Choice ..". sensitive, magisterial study... " -- Macleans ..". a great interest to serious readers." -- St. Louis Post-Dispatch ..". a superb piece of research, empathetic yet clear-headed evaluation. But there is also wit, elegance and personal passion on these scholarly pages." -- The Jewish Spectator Homeland or Holy Land? is the study of a man and a movement -- the man is Yonatan Ratosh, Hebrew poet and thinker, and the movement is Zionism, the ideological foundation of the Jewish state, Israel. Important and provocative reading for anyone interested, concerned, or confused by the state of the state of Israel today.Diamond, James S. is the author of 'Homeland or Holy Land? The "Canaanite" Critique of Israel' with ISBN 9780253138231 and ISBN 025313823X.
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