1945. The life's story contained in this volume, by Lucy Mack Smith, mother of the Prophet Joseph Smith, is one of the most beautiful narratives and yet one of the most tragic in our Church literature. Never did a woman pour forth the true feelings of her heart with more sincerity; expressing her gratitude to God for the blessing she had received; acknowledging His hand in the trials she had suffered and in the persecutions she had endured. It is the record of a great, true Christian life; a record which will be read and reread with interest, by men and women who seek inspiration, guidance and comfort for their own lives throughout many generations to come.Smith, Lucy Mack is the author of 'History of the Mormon Joseph Smith by His Mother and Devoted Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints', published 2004 under ISBN 9781417968695 and ISBN 1417968699.
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