Hiob Und Sein Anwalt Die Prosatexte Des Hiobbuches Und Ihre Rolle in Seiner Redaktions- Und Rezeptionsgeschichte

Hiob Und Sein Anwalt Die Prosatexte Des Hiobbuches Und Ihre Rolle in Seiner Redaktions- Und Rezeptionsgeschichte
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  • ISBN-13: 9783110181029
  • ISBN: 3110181029
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Publisher: de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Walter


Syring, Wolf-Dieter


The study examines the prose sections of the Book of Job and their relationship to the poetic dialogues. The core of the study consists of a detailed critical literary analysis of the prose texts (Job 1,1-2,13; 32,1-5; 42,7-17), complemented by an examination of the poetic texts with related content (especially Job 27-31). The evaluation of the redaction history based on these examinations leads to the conclusion that a redactor combined pre-forms of Job's dialogue and the narrative toa composite work, and thus formed the image of Job which has determined the history of its reception.Syring, Wolf-Dieter is the author of 'Hiob Und Sein Anwalt Die Prosatexte Des Hiobbuches Und Ihre Rolle in Seiner Redaktions- Und Rezeptionsgeschichte', published 2004 under ISBN 9783110181029 and ISBN 3110181029.

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