This series was created by Military Illustrated magazine, the leading monthly military history publication in the English language. It has built an unrivaled reputation for authoritative articles, primary research, rare photographs, and specially commissioned artwork.The Scots Highlander was famous for his fearless charges into the face of the enemy and renowned for his bravery, loyalty, and sheer fighting skills. The remarkable story of the Highlanders is fully explored, beginning with their Celtic inheritance, their battles for independence against the English, and their involvement in the Jacobite rebellionHighlanders today are an important element in the fighting forces of the United Kingdom and have fought around the world for their country from the Napoleonic wars to the most recent conflicts. First-hand accounts bring their courage and fighting skills vividly to life.Reid, Stuart is the author of 'Highlander: Fearless Celtic Warriors' with ISBN 9781577172819 and ISBN 1577172817.
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