Modern life is packed with information technology, but many technical terms leave us with puzzling questions. What's the difference between an MP3 and an MP4? How is "electronic" different from "digital"? Where, and what, is the "cell" in my cell phone? High Definition: An A to Z Guide to Personal Technology provides answers to these and thousands of other questions about the technology we live with and depend on. With more than 3,000 terms, this is the first dictionary to bring together both the basic and the not-so-basic vocabularies of home computers, cell phones, modems, the Internet, CD and DVD players, monitors and screens, gaming systems, and other information technology found in houses, offices, backpacks, and pockets. Both the nontechnically minded and the techno-savvy will find the explanations and cross-references helpful, clear, and interesting. The dictionary helps to decipher in straightforward and accessible language the myriad of confusing terms associated with current technology. Buyers can bone up on the technical specifications of electronic products and why they matter. With more than 500 abbreviations and acronyms, this is an indispensable reference in a world full of technological shorthand. No other book on the market puts so much information about the technology we use every day into one convenient and thorough volume.American Heritage Dictionary Editors is the author of 'High Definition An a to Z Guide to Personal Technology', published 2006 under ISBN 9780618714896 and ISBN 0618714898.
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