Henry Ford Vs. Truman H. Newberry The Famous Senate Election Contest

Henry Ford Vs. Truman H. Newberry The Famous Senate Election Contest
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  • ISBN-13: 9780405058677
  • ISBN: 0405058675
  • Publisher: Ayer Company Publishers, Incorporated


Ervin, Spencer


This work focuses on the famous case surrounding the battle between Henry Ford and Truman H. Newberry for a seat in the Senate. Newberry won the election but was challenged on his election expenditures. The Supreme Court ruled that the 1911 Corrupt Practices Act did not apply to primary contests. Newberry was therefore allowed to take his Senate seat but resigned shortly after taking office.Ervin, Spencer is the author of 'Henry Ford Vs. Truman H. Newberry The Famous Senate Election Contest' with ISBN 9780405058677 and ISBN 0405058675.

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