Teach Me the Wisdom of Patience Dear God of Great Patience, I feel like I'm at the ragged end of a rugged day. It startedout badly and kept getting worse until finally, I just blew up. I woke up tired and temperamental this morning. There wasn'tany orange juice for breakfast for the second time this week. How difficult canit be to keep orange juice in plentiful supply? I stopped by the drugstore to pick up a prescription, andalready late for work, I backed into a car behind me, crushing my taillight. Idented the bumper on the other car, and the driver was very angry. It tookforty-five minutes to complete the police report. When I got to my desk, I realized that I had missed the firstthirty minutes of an early meeting that my boss had scheduled yesterday. Thediscussion concerning my department was completed before I ever entered theroom. And finally, when I picked the kids up from the baby-sitterthis evening, my son had been bitten by another child and had a bruise on hisarm. I've told You all of this so that You'll understand why Iyelled at my spouse when I found out that supper was going to be late. Lord, I consider myself a patient person, but everyone haslimits, and I felt I had reached mine. I'm truly sorry that I lost my cool, andI know that it was wrong. How can I keep from losing my temper undercircumstances like these? I really want to learn patience, Lord.Your Hot-Tempered Child Dear Hot-Tempered Child, Everyone has days when everything seems to go wrong. It makesyou wish you could crawl back into bed and stay there -- safe from the difficultiesthat life imposes. Sometimes you can't escape the feeling that everyone would bebetter off if you just stayed out of circulation for a day. Let me encourage you to consider this: Patience is really amatter of perspective. When things start piling up and you begin to feeloverwhelmed by the pressures of life, just remember that you are not alone. Manytimes your impatience is a result of feeling as if you are on your own, as if noone is there for you. Apanic swells within your spirit and washes over your heart. You fly off thehandle because you don't feel adequately supported. I assure you, My child, that I am with you. If you will turnto Me, I will generously supply all that you need. Whether you need wisdom,insight, patience, support, strength, or encouragement, I will be there for you. When you feel anger in times of stress, find a time and aquiet place where we can talk. I know you are busy and hurried, but that is partof the problem. You need to slow down. Pour out your heart and your anxiety intomy lap of love, and I can make a difference. Remember, everyone has a bad day once in a while. Just makesure that your bad days are not outnumbering your good days.Your Patient Father2 Timothy 2:22-26Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love, andpeace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Do not haveanything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they producequarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind toeveryone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gentlyinstruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to aknowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape fromthe trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.Webb, Debbie is the author of 'Heavenly Mail, Words of Wisdom from God Prayer-Letters to Heaven and God's Resfreshing Response' with ISBN 9781582292335 and ISBN 1582292337.
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