A supernatural evil being, known as Ego, roamed the universe destroying all life everywhere it went. Ego turned his attention towards Earth as its next target, but a superhero group known as the Eternal Champions awaited his coming. In the mist of the group's preparation, Isis falls into a coma and a special assassination team is sent in to kill her and her unborn son. The Earth does not know about the imminent doom, which is camouflaged by a super computer virus causing chaos worldwide. Creator, the leader of the Eternal Champions, finds himself fighting cyber space, a plot to kill his wife, humans and a super being bent on destroying his team and the Earth. If his team saves the world, no one would know, but if they fail all life on Earth would cease to exist. This is book two out of an eight book Superhero Epic story.Edwards, Alexander B. is the author of 'He Is Known As Ego A Superhero Epic', published 2006 under ISBN 9781425953935 and ISBN 142595393X.
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