Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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  • Condition: Good
  • Provider: Orion Books
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  • Ships From: Arlington, TX
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  • ISBN-13: 9780439139601
  • ISBN: 0439139600
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks


Rowling, J. K., GrandPré, Mary


Harry Potter is midway through his training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup. He wants to find out about the mysterious event that's supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards. And in his case, different can be deadly.Rowling, J. K. is the author of 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ', published 2002 under ISBN 9780439139601 and ISBN 0439139600.

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