As a young child, I was constantly reminded thatit’s not alwayswhatI say, buthowI say it.Myhowwas considered to be selfish and egotistical. I was reprimanded for my attitude. Reprimanded for my tone. I was chastised for talking with my eyes. Chastised for talking with my neck. After all, I was just a little girl. But as a mature woman, I now understand the notion of meticulously expressing myself to provoke a particular emotion. On purpose, I use myhowto distinguish mywhat. That’s what my words are all about… moving you to react.Triplett, Darcova is the author of 'Harmonious Contradictions: Expressions for the Journey from Alpha to Omega', published 2007 under ISBN 9780595427864 and ISBN 0595427863.
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