BE YOURSELF BE INTROVERTED BE HAPPY All your life you've heard the myths . . . "Introverts are depressed and lonely. "Introverts wish they were more outgoing. "Introverts lack self-confidence. These stereotypes about introverts have been propagated by the people who do all the loud talking--the extraverts. To counter these (and many more) common misconceptions, author Elizabeth Wagele, a self-proclaimed introvert, offers a book that delivers the truth: The Happy Introvert. This compassionate guide explores the rich inner world you as an introvert enjoy. The insightful advice--presented in a fun format of provocative quizzes wacky cartoons and inspiring quotes--will help you better appreciate your uniqueness. With The Happy Introvert, you'll learn to navigate the extraverted world without compromising your creative, independent self.Wagele, Elizabeth is the author of 'Happy Introvert A Wild And Crazy Guide for Celebrating Your True Self', published 2006 under ISBN 9781569755464 and ISBN 1569755469.
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