Handbook of International Trade

Handbook of International Trade
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  • ISBN-13: 9780631211617
  • ISBN: 0631211616
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Choi, Eun Kwan, Harrigan, James


This handbook is a detailed exploration of the theories, policies, and issues stemming from the field of International Trade. Written by specialists in the field, the chapters focus on four important areas: factor proportions theory, trade policy, investment, and new trade theory. The extensive analysis covers such topics as the Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model and the Stolper-Samuelson Price Link, as well as wages, antidumping, and political economics. The book includes a comprehensive introduction by the editors, which summarizes recent advances in the field and places the research in a broader context. These complex and well-conceived articles, supplemented with an extensive bibliography, make the Handbook of International Trade an indispensable resource.Choi, Eun Kwan is the author of 'Handbook of International Trade' with ISBN 9780631211617 and ISBN 0631211616.

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