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  • Condition: Good
  • Provider: Orion Books
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  • ISBN-13: 9780743456456
  • ISBN: 0743456459
  • Publisher: Pocket Books


Webb, Charles


Chapter One Benjamin Braddockgraduated from a small Eastern college on a day in June. Then he flew home. The following evening a party was given for him by his parents. By eight o'clock most of the guests had arrived but Benjamin had not yet come down from his room. His father called up from the foot of the stairs but there was no answer. Finally he hurried up the stairs and to the end of the hall."Ben?" he said, opening his son's door."I'll be down later," Benjamin said."Ben, the guests are all here," his father said. "They're all waiting.""I said I'll be down later."Mr. Braddock closed the door behind him. "What is it," he said.Benjamin shook his head and walked to the window."What is it, Ben.""Nothing.""Then why don't you come on down and see your guests."Benjamin didn't answer."Ben?""Dad," he said, turning around, "I have some things on my mind right now.""What things.""Just some things.""Well can't you tell me what they are?""No."Mr. Braddock continued frowning at his son a few more moments, glanced at his watch, then looked back at Benjamin. "Ben, these are our friends down there," he said. "My friends. Your mother's friends. You owe them a little courtesy.""Tell them I have to be alone right now.""Mr. Robinson's out in the garage looking at your new sports car. Now go on down and give him a ride in it."Benjamin reached into his pocket for a pair of shiny keys on a small chain. "Here," he said."What?""Give him the keys. Let him drive it.""But he wants to see you.""Dad, I don't want to see him right now," Benjamin said. "I don't want to see the Robinsons, I don't want to see the Pearsons, I don't want to see the...the Terhunes.""Ben, Mr. Robinson and I have been practicing law together in this town for seventeen years. He's the best friend I have.""I realize that.""He has a client over in Los Angeles that he's put off seeing so he could be here and welcome you home from college.""Dad -- ""Do you appreciate that?""I'd appreciate it if I could be alone!"His father shook his head. "I don't know what's got into you," he said, "but whatever it is I want you to snap out of it and march right on down there."Suddenly the door opened and Benjamin's mother stepped into the room. "Aren't you ready yet?" she said."No.""We'll be right down," his father said."Well what's wrong," she said, closing the door behind her."I am trying to think!""Come on, Ben," his father said. He took his arm and began leading him toward the door."Goddammit will you leave me alone!" Benjamin said. He pulled away and stood staring at him."Ben?" Mr. Braddock said quietly, staring back at him, "don't you ever swear at your mother or me again."Benjamin shook his head. Then he walked between them and to the door. "I'm going for a walk," he said. He stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind him.He hurried to the head of the stairs and down but just as he had gotten to the front door and was about to turn the knob Mr. Terhune appeared out of the living room."Ben?" he said. "I want to shake your hand."Benjamin shook it."Goddammit I'm proud of you," Mr. Terhune said, still holding his hand.Benjamin nodded. "Thank you," he said. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going for a walk. I'll be back later."Mrs. Pearson appeared at the end of the hall. "Oh Benjamin," she said, smiling at him. She hurried to where he was standing and reached up to pull his head down and kiss him. "Benjamin?" she said. "I'm just speechless."Benjamin nodded."Golly you did a fine job back there.""I'm sorry to seem rude," Benjamin said, "but I'm trying to go on a walk right now."Mr. Robinson appeared at the end of the hall with a drink in his hand. He began grinning when he saw Benjamin and walked into the group of people surrounding him to shake his hand. "Ben, how in hell are you," he said. "You look sweWebb, Charles is the author of 'Graduate' with ISBN 9780743456456 and ISBN 0743456459.

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