Gospel of the Red Man An Indian Bible

Gospel of the Red Man An Indian Bible
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  • ISBN-13: 9781585092765
  • ISBN: 1585092762
  • Publisher: Book Tree, The


Seton, Ernest Thompson


One of the best books on Native Americans ever written. Reveals how Indians once lived and what they believed in relation to spiritual principles. As we move further from the time when Native Americans were living completely free and unencumbered in what was to become the United States, before the arrival of the white man, it becomes increasingly difficult to preserve or remember the way of life that they had. Seton has preserved the most important information, gathered from the best sources at a time when it could still be accurately found. Like other Bibles, it includes creation stories and mythology as well as the trials and tribulations of the people. Chapters include The Soul of the Red Man, covering spiritual beliefs; The Ancient Way is about family life, laws and medicine men; The Wisdom of the Old Men covers the ancient teachings and myths; and Prophets of the Red Race shares stories on 13 different prophets, including Hiawatha, Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Wabasha, Geronimo and Wovoka. The Epilogue emphasizes the failures of the white race due to money-madness, and how important it is to bring back an awareness that is not based so heavily on materialism.Seton, Ernest Thompson is the author of 'Gospel of the Red Man An Indian Bible' with ISBN 9781585092765 and ISBN 1585092762.

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